What is the Most Precious Gift that You Have Ever Received in Your Life?
Sababa סבבה is a modern Hebrew word that means “wonderful, amazing, great!”

SeeSababa delivers wonderful and precious gift to Jewish people. It is about true peace and hope.  Hosea 2:15 says “There I will give her back her vineyard, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope.”

Although the total size of the State of Israel is only about 8,630 square miles, it is a place of history between God and humanity, a panoramic view of the land, a pasture of natural parks, and a gem of archaeology.  The Land is a gift from the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to fulfill the promise to Abraham He made in Genesis 12:1-2.  The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.  I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.”

There is a kind of peace that the world cannot buy, because this peace is not from money, power, health, or reputation. This peace is a gift from God. And the peace of God transcends what mankind can understand. As afflictions come, God’s peace is even more precious. To have this kind of peace, one must first know a person…

Our idea of mailing small gifts began with a prompting from God to love and to share the truth and His ultimate gift to His Chosen People.

Below is more information and videos about messianic prophecies, testimonies shared by Jewish people, and Tanakh regarding the Jewish Messiah:

The prophecies in the Tanakh regarding the Jewish Messiah explain how we can identify Him (Isaiah 53, Daniel 9, Jeremiah 31, Zechariah 12:10).

Ariel and his friend share the good news on the streets in Israel, film the conversations, and post them online.  What happens next gives them great joy!  

One for Israel is based in Netanya, Israel, where it has a media center to broadcast the good news.  One of their goals is to share amazing Jewish video testimonies to the world.

The Bible Project is a nonprofit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos to make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere.  They illustrate the Bible in a unified story that leads to Yeshua the Messiah.

How did Rabbi Leopold Cohn, who was the founder of Chosen People Ministries in 1894, find Messiah Jesus?  Watching their introduction video, there is no doubt that it was Messiah Jesus who found him!  

SeeSababa Wonderful News